10 questions to ask yourself

To help you find some clarity, here are some questions for you to ponder with regards to your own work or business:

  1. What’s on your 10 year horizon?

  2. If you were to create a company you’d never sell, what would that look like?

  3. How could you make your business more fun for you?

  4. What business model might serve you better?

  5. How can you work more in your zone of genius?

  6. What would your ideal week look like?

  7. How can you make money while you sleep?

  8. How much is enough?

  9. What would you like to be your one contribution to the world?

  10. What’s holding you back?

Laurence McCahill

🏕️ Co-founder The Happy Startup School. Coach, guide and connector for purpose-driven entrepreneurs and leaders.


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