Hitting 10

Today The Happy Startup School turns 10.

I know because our domain was registered on this day in 2012 (it's always the first thing you do, right?).

Back then, Carlos and I sat in our little design studio in the heart of Brighton and struck on the idea of a new kind of school for a new breed of entrepreneur.

One where happiness and impact gets as much attention as the money we make.

Little did we think a decade on we'd be spending every day doing what we love, with people we love, on things we care about.

Surrounded by incredible mentors, collaborators and friends who inspire us each day.

Thank you to every single one of you that has:

  • Given us words of encouragement, big or small

  • Been to any of our events, whether a meetup or in the mountains

  • Joined our courses, programs or online community over the years

  • Read, liked or shared any of our posts

  • Subscribed to our mailing list

  • Been part of our rambling Friday Firesides over the last 3 years

  • Collaborated with us to amplify our impact

  • Challenged us to think bigger or do better

  • Given us a good old hug :)

But most of all believed in us and our mission.

(Also thanks to those that thought it was a terrible idea - they motivated us more than they'll ever know )

The world needs more good people doing good things in the world.

And we're here to help them make it happen.

One thing is for sure: we're not stopping now.

Here's to the next 10.


Laurence McCahill

🏕️ Co-founder The Happy Startup School. Coach, guide and connector for purpose-driven entrepreneurs and leaders.


Effortless collaboration


Finding true happiness on the second mountain