Who would you love to go on a road trip with?

When thinking of who your ideal customer is it's easy to fall into the trap of asking the traditional questions:

  • Is there a gap in the market for this?

  • Who is our target customer?

  • Who will pay for this?

But sometimes this can lead you to people that you don't necessarily have an affinity with or who don't share your values.

We spend a lot of our lives at work. We spend a lot of time making things for and working with, our clients. Wouldn't it be great to spend your days creating gifts for people you loved?

If you want to build a deeper connection with those you're serving I've found it useful to ask yourself – who you would love to go on an adventure with?

If the thought of spending quality time with your customer in a confined space doesn't make your skin crawl, but actually makes you come alive, you're probably on to something.

Your excite strategy isn't just about what you do, it's about who you do it with.

Laurence McCahill

🏕️ Co-founder The Happy Startup School. Coach, guide and connector for purpose-driven entrepreneurs and leaders.


Being a late bloomer in life


Build your village