We’re told 9 out of 10 startups fail.

That’s why we created this e-book to help you

  • Become more confident in what you’re doing (and why)

  • Get clearer on what to focus on right now

  • Reduce your chances of becoming another statistic

Before setting up The Happy Startup School, we ran a successful startup studio, helping entrepreneurs bring their startup ideas to life.

Those years were our apprenticeship in startups - learning from others’ mistakes as well as our own. We worked with various tools and techniques but felt that too many of these, and the startup world in general, focused solely on the mechanics of starting a business.

We felt that it was time we made our businesses more human and, in the process, give them a better chance of survival.

We could see that the world was changing, the Purpose Economy was coming, and the existing tools weren’t fit for purpose.

Find the confidence to move forward and shift from thinking to doing.

Each chapter relates to a section of our Happy Startup Canvas:

  1. Purpose Be clear about your why

  2. Vision Share your vision for change

  3. Values Tell the world what you stand for

  4. Story Know your story

  5. Problems Find a problem worth solving

  6. Solution How are you going to help?

  7. Fans Find people that care

  8. Value Proposition Make something people actually want