Stop getting in your own way.

Think back to a time when you bought something and felt really good about it.

Maybe it took you a while to make a decision. Maybe it was spontaneous. 

Maybe it was all about who you were purchasing from.

Or maybe it was all about the ideal fit you’d found.

Whether it was a service, an experience, or some other good that improved your life, you look back and think, “Yes, I made the right choice.”

And yet, when it comes to being on the other side of the relationship—the one who others buy from—we tighten up. 

  • We get scared. 

  • We choke.

  • We fear rejection, so we don’t voice our offer.

  • We get lost in the details, so they lose interest.

  • We tell ourselves that selling is manipulative, so we feel inauthentic.

We’re so scared of being sleazy that we forget that selling well is an act of service.

Selling well means helping others find what they need.

Selling well is about connecting.

Selling well means creating an experience that’s valuable and enjoyable.

Introducing Storyselling

Storyselling is all about building a relationship with your client, understanding their needs, and helping them come away with the knowledge they need to feel good about their purchase.

Our guide is for anyone who believes in their work and knows that it provides value, but who keeps getting in their own way.

Whether you’re a coach, a consultant, an entrepreneur, or a small business owner, this guide will help feel clear and confident about selling in a happy way.

“Stop closing the deal. Get to the truth.”

— Tad Hargrave, Marketing for Hippies

Our guide is split into 4 parts:

Why People Buy

  • What drives our decisions

  • What stops us from buying

  • The needs people have

Stories of Change

  • A nine-step structure to guide you through sales conversations

  • Find out where your client wants to be, why now, what’s their wow, and more

An Illustrative Example

Selling with Self-Care

  • A reminder to look after yourself

  • Why the process isn’t about you

  • Where marketing fits into this and why it matters